Piano Lessons Online

Unique method.   Organic growth.   Enduring rewards.


While Mariam had little say in her parents' decision to start a family, she certainly had much to gain from the music-filled upbringing they appear to have had in mind for her. Born to musicologist Anna Harutyunyan and composer Aram Nazarian, Mariam was encouraged to express herself in song and dance fairly early; she began her formal musical training at the age of six in Yerevan, Armenia. Since then, Mariam has spent nearly thirty-two years either studying, practicing, playing, teaching, thinking, reading, and / or writing about the piano.

Through observation, trial & error, this living body of knowledge gradually evolved into a unique SPEED-LEARNING METHOD that Mariam has successfully implemented in the teaching of children, adults, amateurs, professionals, and celebrities. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (and human adaptability) all this experience and knowledge can now be brought to you at the click of a button.


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